Women at Work, the Pasadena non-profit dedicated to empowering women (and men) looking for employment which recently announced it was forced to reevaluate its model after it failed to build a sustainable base of financial support, may be a bit down but it’s definitely not out.

Enthusiastic supporters headed to Santa Anita Racetrack for the group’s second Mystique and Fun fundraising event earlier in March.

“We are celebrating our 37 years of service to the community,” said Board Chair Uma Shrivastava. “We are celebrating with our supporters and donors as we look forward to serving our clients who are in a quest for a better future as they act, inspire a team and become champions.”

The fun was highlighted by a hat contest (as evidenced in the photo gallery.) Winners were Aurora Cady, Stephanie Chin and former Board member Sandra Greenstein.

“We are in a mode of reconstructing,” Shrivastava said. “Stay tuned!”