Children with good eyesight are better students and achieve more in the classroom. According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), as much as 80% of learning is visual and will depend on how good your sight is. Reading, writing, and computer work are just a few visual tasks kids do every day in school. Whether they’re solving math problems or working on the board, kids need good vision to do their best in school.

Especially for kids, vision is about more than just seeing clearly. It’s being able to understand and respond to what they’re seeing. Sometimes we don’t realize that vision, reading and learning are intimately related, and kids who aren’t doing well in school may actually suffer from one or more learning-related vision problems.

Undetected vision problems that critically impact their visual perceptual skills include recognition – knowing the difference between letters like ‘b’ and ‘d’, comprehension – ‘picturing’ what’s happening in a story they’re reading, and retention – remembering and recalling details about what they’ve just read. Every kid needs solid vision because undetected vision problems will cause a kid to struggle with simple tasks leading to eyestrain, headaches, and tiredness.

For more information on vision services, visit ChapCare at 2055 Lincoln Avenue, Pasadena or online at Call (626) 398-6300 to schedule an appointment.