San Marino Unified School District (SMUSD) is participating in training that is part of the Regional K-12 Student Mental Health Initiative (SMHI). The K-12 Student Mental Health Initiative is funded by the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CCSESA) through state funds administered by the California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA). The state funds are through the voter-approved Mental Health Services Act (Prop.63). This program is focused on prevention and early identification of mental health issues for students in grades K-12, with emphasis on grades K-8 and linkages to preschool and grades 9-12. The Regional K-12 SMHI is based on a statewide framework of prevention and early intervention strategies for promoting student mental health that encourages schools and their communities to implement programs and services that meet local needs.

Mr. Duranso and Mrs. Lozano presented research findings that suggest a strong connection between mental wellness and academic achievement. As a central place in the lives of most children and families, schools are critical sites for effective collaboration between education and mental health for the prevention and early identification of children and “at-risk” youth for mental health challenges. Mr. Duranso and Mrs. Lozano provided training to identify and respond to the earliest signs of student mental health concerns, focusing on four targeted areas: student suicide, depression, self-injury and bullying. Under the guidance of Mr. Duranso and Mrs. Lozano, they have established school site crisis teams and are continuing to train teachers/staff to create a school environment that fosters positive mental health and resilience. They eventually plan on doing parent trainings.

In the afternoon, teachers/staff continued to work in collaborate teams on Common Core implementation and reported out to staff on their progress. Other teachers focused on preparation for the Smarter Balanced (SBAC) Field Test that will be given after Spring break.

As always, the San Marino Unified School District thanks the parents and community for supporting these continued professional development days. For those who have any comments or questions regarding the professional development days, please contact Dr. Gary McGuigan (Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services) at 299-7000 ext. 320.

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