Dr Max Lehfeldt MD FACSMax Lehfeldt, MD, FACS, a board-certified plastic surgeon in Pasadena and owner/medical director of Radiance Spa Medical Group, says CoolSculpting® is an innovative body contouring technique that can reduce small pockets of fat around the body while also minimizing risks, downtime, and costs often associated with surgical fat reduction. At his medical spa, Dr. Lehfeldt and his experienced team use CoolSculpting® to target fat in the following areas:

• Abdomen
• Inner Thighs
• Outer Thighs
• Love Handles
• Upper Arms
• Bra Roll
• Back

According to Dr. Lehfeldt, liposuction can be effective for dramatic fat removal, CoolSculpting® can be an alternative for patients who want to reduce only a small amount of excess, stubborn fat without undergoing surgery. The FDA-cleared CoolSculpting® device works to target fat cells directly without damaging surrounding healthy tissue.

In a process called cryolipolysis, the fat cells are cooled to the point that they crack and die. The destroyed fat cells are ultimately excreted from the body through natural processes. The Pasadena plastic surgeon says results from this procedure can generally be expected after eight weeks following treatment, adding that some patients may benefit from multiple treatments of the same area spaced about eight to ten weeks apart to achieve optimal aesthetic results.

Radiance Spa Medical Group also offers the unique DualSculpting™ option, which allows for the use of two machines to simultaneously treat two different areas of the body, helping to cut overall treatment time in half.  Multiple treatments, says Dr. Lehfeldt, are typically necessary to address concerns in different areas or repeat areas of the body, adding that DualSculpting™ is ideal for many of his patients who maintain busy schedules. Treatment time is about an hour per area.

Ultimately, Dr. Lehfeldt says CoolSculpting® has years of clinical follow-up with hundreds of thousands of satisfied patients treated throughout the world. Additionally, he notes that research suggests the treatment may also provide some skin tightening along with fat reduction. “The bottom line,” he says, “is CoolSculpting® really works.”

About Max Lehfeldt, MD, FACS

Dr. Lehfeldt earned his undergraduate degree in molecular biophysics and biochemistry at Yale. He earned his medical degree at the University of Southern California-Keck School of Medicine, and is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, as well as a member of several prestigious professional organizations, including the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

For more information about Dr. Max Lehfeldt and Radiance Spa Medical Group, please visit radiancemedicalspa.com or facebook.com/LCMedSpa.