L-R: Pasadena High School Principal Gilber Barraza, Chellam Nayar and her proud Counselor Mrs. Teresa Martinez. Photo courtesy Pasadena High School

The National Merit Scholarship Program has now determined which of the 16,000 semifinalist named in September 2014 have met all requirements to advance to Finalist standing in the competition.

Today, Chellam received her Certificate of Merit.

Chellam’s top University choices are: Ivy League’s Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, Tufts University near Boston Massachusetts and Yale University in New Haven Connecticut. Additionally, she applied to the University of California System.

Chellam is currently waiting for acceptance letters.

Pasadena High School, 2925 East Sierra Madre Blvd., Pasadena, (626) 396-5880 or visit phs.pusd.us/pages/Pasadena_High.