Driving through Pasadena’s neighborhoods, you will notice some beautiful old architecture. Many apartments and homes in Pasadena are simply charming and often times that is due to the age and history of the building.

sonny 2Old homes have amazing details and design that new homes and apartments sadly do not have. If you already live in a home like this or plan to buy one then you know the beauty and appreciate it. However, sometimes old homes come with an unpleasant surprise. Old wiring is not a friend to modern appliances and can cause damage to your electronics and even your home if it’s too outdated.

Recently Sonny Electric rewired an apartment complex in Highland Park with a modern electrical system. They went over with us some of the needed upgrades they put in.

“We upgraded the units so people could use more appliances because the circuits kept shorting out because there wasn’t enough power for modern appliances,” explains Barbara, office manager at Sonny Electric.

The wiring was so old in the apartment building that it was a fire hazard. Sonny Electric changed the meters. They also replaced all of the old fuses and put in new circuit breakers. Having updated circuit breakers makes replacing a breaker down the road much easier than with the old systems.

“The old system is a non‐grounded system which is knob and tube and Romex. We replaced the old wiring with new wire and dedicated circuits to kitchens and restrooms as per code. We also installed smoke and carbon monoxide detectors,” explained Barbara.

The breaker box was upgraded as well. Upgrading the breaker box is so important in this modern age. Most people now are using televisions and computers as well as blenders and hairdryers among other things on a daily basis. A modern breaker box allows the residents to use all of their appliances at once. No more waiting to dry your hair until the microwave is done.

“We also provided state of the art electrical, energy management, LED lighting and controls,” says Barbara.

The residents of the apartment complex were thrilled because they could now use all of their electrical items at the same time. The landlord was glad to have the building modernized and up to code. New wiring can also help to prevent power surges. With so many of us using cell phones, laptops and computers a power surge can be detrimental.

New wiring can help ensure that all of your expensive electronics are safe and sound.

Sonny Electric is located in the Los Angeles area. For more information, call (323) 258¬-1767 or email at sonnyelectric89@gmail.

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