Amara Cafe 2-2-2016 2ndHot chocolate should not be a drink that comes in a little paper envelope. To Amara Barroeta, the owner of Amara Chocolate, it is an art form.

“The way the creative process happens is that I think of people and express it through chocolate,” she said.

Amara’s Venezuelan and American-style flavor combinations have garnered the attention of the got milk? and “toma lech” campaigns just in time for Chocolate Lovers’ Month.

Barroeta explains that she developed special recipes for the got milk? campaign and made sure to modify the flavors and techniques so that people can make these delicious drinks at home.

“While developing these hot chocolates, I took inspiration from chocolate’s beginnings and revisited some of the original ingredients. I’m really excited about the results, especially because each drink is so different, yet all have the perfect silky texture and flavor you can only get by using milk,” Barroeta said.

Ranging from a spicy “Mexican Choco-Latte” with dry chile pasilla to a savory “Popcorn-Crowned Orange Hot Chocolate,” these drinks are the perfect way to celebrate National Chocolate Lovers’ Month. Her recipes include popular flavors like corn, chili and cinnamon but everything has a fresh twist. This is hot chocolate like you’ve never had it before.

This warming, filling and satisfying drink has never gone out of style, and milk has always been the go-to base for the perfect cup. Milk has the ability to tone down spices, balance sweetness and harmoniously bring together.

Celebrate Chocolate Lover’s Month with a flavorful mug of hot chocolate and visit Amara Chocolates for more inspiration.

Amara Cafe is located at 55 South Raymond Avenue, Pasadena. Call (626) 710 – 8831 or visit for more details.