If you have a pre-teen or teenager, you understand that there are many physical and emotional challenges in their lives. Practicing yoga is a great way to increase confidence, build strength and flexibility and hardiness that provides a good foundation for resolving friendship dynamics.
Yoga is also a great way to reduce stress and learn breathing techniques that they can carry with them through many everyday challenges.
Val Sklar-Robinson, owner and instructor at Bikram Yoga Pasadena, is offering two great yoga opportunities for teen girls ages 9-16 at her studios. Her fall schedule for her YogiVal Preteen Yoga for Girls kicks off this Saturday, September 19th, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. There will be a second class offered on October 18th from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. and each session is $15 each at the door, or $10 with advance purchase online or at the studio at yogival.com.
Bikram Yoga Pasadena has another new class in the works for both boys and girls called YogiVal Stretching and Strengthening for Teen Athletes (Boys and Girls ages 10-18). Stay tuned for future dates or email YogiVal to invite her to your sports team or athletic program. Yoga has many health benefits for athletes, both in preventing injury and improving performance, and this is a great way to introduce your teen athlete to this healing exercise.
For more information about these and other great yoga classes, please visit www.yogival.com.
Bikram Yoga Pasadena is located at 2089 E. Colorado Boulevard Pasadena. For more information, call (626) 304¬-9642 or visit www.bikrampasadena.com.