As if getting into the right college of your dreams isn’t hard enough, paying for it can be even worse.

But it doesn’t have to be that way, says Trevor Ramos of College Funding Remedies.
“I’m on a personal mission to get students enough free financial aid so that they don’t have to take out those loans – and make them aware of all their options before they agree to be in debt for years,” Ramos says.

To demonstrate his solutions, Ramos has scheduled three free workshops to tell parents, students and even high school counselors how students can avoid falling into massive debt or using up a family’s retirement’s savings to pay for their degree.

The workshops – a sort of “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Getting Into College (And Paying For It) – will also discuss how students and families can get free grants and aid even if they are middle income and “ineligible” for most aid.

“A lot of parents think they make too much money to receive financial aid and tuition discounts from the colleges, but this just isn’t true and I prove this wrong day in and day out.,” Ramos says. “I have helped families that make well over $500,000 per year receive huge discounts…we’re talking 40% to 70% off.”

The workshops will also zero in on grades, GPA and getting into one of America’s top universities even with a GPA of lower than 3.0.

“Many parents think their child just doesn’t have the grades or SAT Scores to get into college, let alone to get a scholarship,” Ramos says. “I had a 2.8 GPA in high school and I got $4,000 short of a full ride to go to Boston University. I have sent many students with GPAs below a 3.0 to great colleges and helped them find the free money to go.”

The techniques he has developed not only are sound, but Ramos says he used them to receive over $150,000 in free grants to earn his own 4-year degree. He says since 2009 he has helped over 200 students access over $9 million in grants and aid which does not have to be paid back.

“Don’t miss this fast-paced, informative workshop,” Ramos urges. “Come prepared to take notes. You’re welcome to tape record it if you want! Everything I teach is something you can use immediately to get the money you need.”

The workshops will be held Saturday, November 17 at 10:30 a.m. at the Walnut Public Library; Monday, November 19 at 6:00 p.m. at the Studio City Mini Park Library; and Tuesday, November 20 at 6:30 p.m. at the Monrovia Community Center.

College Funding Remedies is located at 1055 E. Colorado Blvd, Suite 500, Pasadena. Call (866) 568-8647 or visit to reserve your seats.