“For the Love of Chocolate,” a festive dinner and delicious fundraising event will be held from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday, February 4th at the Woman’s Club of South Pasadena, 1424 Fremont Avenue. All proceeds from “For the Love of Chocolate “will benefit the Club’s philanthropic and charitable projects, including annual scholarships.
The event will begin with a social hour filled with appetizers, wine and music by Ed Simpson at the keyboard. Dinner will be catered by “The Fresh Gourmet.” For dessert, guests will be able to indulge themselves to their hearts content at an all chocolate treats buffet which will include a festive chocolate fountain. Entertainment for the evening, “Music of the Night,” will feature love songs from Broadway musicals and romantic arias performed by the Vineyard Touring Company.
Diane Crum, Event Chair, encourages everyone to “Join with friends, family, or a special someone and come and share a lovely evening and the simple of joy of chocolate.” There will also be raffle prizes and a dazzling silent auction. Many of the prizes and auction items have been donated by local merchants and organizations.
Plan to attend this festive chocolate party and support the Woman’s Club Charitable and philanthropic projects. RSVP and purchase tickets by January 29th by calling (323) 254-0530 or email [email protected] or text (213) 300-9305. Tickets are $35 per person. Checks, made payable to Woman’s Club of South Pasadena, may be mailed to 1424 Fremont Avenue, South Pasadena, 91030, or may be made on line through Eventbrite at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/womans-club-of-south-pasadena-presents-for-the-love-of-chocolate-evening-tickets-31040854030 or visit the Club website http://thewcsp.org and click on the link to “For the Love of Chocolate.”.