The St. Francis High School Robotics Team, also known as Team “Brobot,” recently received a jcpenney grant that will allow the team to build and compete in regional robotics competitions throughout the school year.
The St. Francis Robotics Team, under the direction of Mr. Benny Sibal, a technology director at St. Francis, and assisted by St. Francis alum Russell Juma ’08, is excited about the opportunities afforded by the grant and looking forward to a successful season. Most importantly, Team “Brobot” hopes to achieve its goal of “building brotherhood one robot at a time.”
The team encourages teamwork, leadership, and brotherhood. In addition, the St. Francis robotics program aims to promote an interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) through robotics. In order to do so, the team provides opportunities where students, especially those with an inclination for technology, can thrive.
Ultimately, the robotics team hopes to inspire students who never thought they could do this kind of work, and to encourage students to explore career alternatives. The St. Francis Robotics Team is grateful to jcenney, in partnership with FIRST, for providing the grant to make this program possible.
As part of jcpenney’s ongoing dedication to empowering youth during the after school hours, jcpenney has formed a partnership with FIRST, a non-profit group whose mission is to inspire kids to be science and technology leaders. jcpenney is proud to sponsor 500 high school robotics teams nationwide as they compete in fast-paced, high-energy, “March Madness” style robotics competitions.
FIRST’s mission is to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders, by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership.
For more, visit the St. Francis High School Robotics Team Website by clicking here.