Monica Golbranson, who graduated from St. Monica Academy in 2013, achieved a perfect score of 800 on the Math section of the SAT. She currently attends the University of Notre Dame. Photo by St. Monica Academy
Out of 51 Catholic high schools in the Los Angeles Archdiocese, St. Monica Academy boasted the highest mean SAT scores in all three categories: Reading, Writing, and Math. The scores were as follows:
• Reading 625
• Math 626
• Writing 631
In only 13 years of existence, St. Monica has achieved this outstanding distinction thanks to its dedicated faculty and staff. Deserving special recognition are SMA’s grade school teachers who prepared their students so well to excel in high school.
St. Monica Academy, 301 N. Orange Grove Blvd., Pasadena, (626) 229-0351 or visit www.stmonicaacademy.com.