Trinity-Aftercare-2ndSurgery affects your entire body so it’s important to take care of yourself and not neglect your skin.

1. Be very careful with the sun – you should avoid being in direct sun for at least for a couple of days after surgery. If you go out, opt for a sunscreen that blocks alpha and beta sun rays. SPF 30 or 40 is sufficient.

2.Get some water! – Hydration is the key. Whether you’ve had a minor procedure or an all-out surgery, drinking six to eight glasses of water a day will help rejuvenate your skin from the inside out and flush any toxins from your system.

3. Don’t touch it at let it heal by itself – No matter how strong the urge to pick at your peeling skin or scabs after cosmetic surgery in an effort to speed your recovery – don’t touch it. You could increase your likelihood of infection or scarring.

4. Take good care of your skin – Make sure you’re using mild, hypoallergenic products, like non-soap cleansers and fragrance-free moisturizers.

You can learn more about how to treat your skin after surgeries and Trinity Aftercare at For more information call (626) 3723325 or email [email protected] .