Peace & Justice academy students collect recyclables to fun Kiva loans.

Chris and Nathaniel look forward to welcoming new interfaith students to the Peace & Justice Academy.

How many graduation speeches end with some variation of “Go out there and change the world!”? But how many graduates have actually been prepared to do that? The Peace & Justice Academy, the nation’s first interfaith high school, is offering a curriculum focused not just on college preparedness, but rich in life lessons in service and social justice. And to facilitate the commitment to learning to change the world, it is now offering a full-tuition, four-year scholarship to private school 8th-graders.

The Peace & Justice Academy is a fully-accredited, college preparatory high school unlike any other. In this safe space, students come together to learn without the need to separate themselves from their faith traditions or spirituality. Says co-executive director Randy Christopher, “We meet in the intersection of all of the world’s great religions, in the common ethic of love, compassion, justice, and peace. Peacemaking can be a full-time vocation, and we would be proud to launch the next Gandhi or Martin Luther King into adulthood. But doing the right thing, treating others fairly, standing against injustice, and making the world a better place – these are the core elements of all successful careers. We teach these skills.”

Parents and students interested in applying for the scholarship may go online at and fill out the application. Once they have submitted the application, they can call the school and set up an interview. The deadline for application is December 15. Interviews will be held in December and winners will be announced by Dec. 31st.

“These scholarships are being made possible by a group of people who believe that it is time for religion to be part of the solution,” says co-executive director Kimberly Medendorp. “If you have an 8th-grader who has already taken an interest in the world’s problems and is energized by the idea of doing something to help, we need to meet.” Medendorp continues, “You have to understand, years from now, students who graduate from the Peace & Justice Academy will have friends from diverse cultural and spiritual backgrounds. They will stand as allies with one another in striving for peace and social justice. They will change the world.”

Peace & Justice Academy is located at 2033 E. Washington Blvd. in Pasadena.

For more information, please visit the website or call the office at (626) 345-0504.