Going into Old Pasadena’s Armory Center for the Arts Saturday you would have seen not only art hanging from the walls, or in the form of statues, but art in the form of people: artists! Over 100 of them drawing in one-hour shifts.

Art fans and Armory supporters came in by the hundreds. They watched the artists “drawing before their very eyes” and bought up the results for “only $75” apiece, said Jon Lapointe, the center’s Communications Director.

But, the artists themselves were just as interesting to observe as their art, with their stylish clothes and panache. Many people in crowd couldn’t resist hovering over them:

“You have to make quick decisions because people are kind of standing over you the whole time. You have to kind of zone out,” said one of the participating artists, Florencio Zavala.

Zavala is a designer by trade and his art focuses on typography.

“My personal work tends to be more raw, but plays with words. Because I work with advertising there is a tone there. Keeping the message simple, and most of the time positive, but kind of asking questions. Getting people to think about language. The words we use. The language we choose,” said Zavala.

This was Zavala’s second Monster Drawing Rally and a great opportunity to get people to think about language. One of those was art collector Carrie Adrian.

“I value programs for children and aspiring artists. I feel like it gives a lot back to the community,” said Adrian, a long-time Armory patron. This was Adrian’s first Monster Drawing Rally (hopefully of many, she said).

The rally was actually an idea created by Southern Exposure, a non-profit organization in San Francisco that knows how hard the life of an artist can be. The organization was founded in 1974 and its mission is to help support artists.

“We are carrying on the tradition here in Los Angeles. And all proceeds will benefit the Armory exhibition programs,” said Lapointe.

The Armory is one of Pasadena’s most important arts nonprofit organizations. It has been at the forefront of art education in southern California for more than 60 years.

For more about Armory Center for the Arts visit www.armoryarts.org . The Armory is located at 145 North Raymond Avenue in Old Pasadena.