Photo and Graphic Design Class Applications Due January 31
Attention students interested in taking Photo or Graphic Design next year. All classes will be available by application only. Photo 1 and Graphic Design 1 application forms are on the door outside of room 106. See Mrs. Schlenker for all advanced level applications. All applications are due January 31st. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Schlenker in room 106.
Mixed Ensemble Auditions This Week
Mixed Ensemble Auditions will be held on Wednesday, Jan 25 at lunch in room SC4. Please contact Mr. Kolberg with questions.
Drama 3 and Musical Theater Auditions this Week!
Attention all Actors, Actors Who Sing, and Singers Who Act! Auditions for next year’s Drama 3 and Musical Theater classes will be this Tuesday & Thursday, January 24 and 26 , at lunch. Sign ups are on the door of SC4. Please contact Mrs. Shoemaker for more information.
Dance Tryouts January 31
Hey, Dancers! Tryouts for next year’s Dance Team & Advanced Dance class will be next Tuesday, January 31, and Thursday February 2, from 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. in the Student Center. All dancers should attend both days of tryouts. Please contact Ms. Kolberg or Mrs. Shoemaker for more information.