LosAltos-14-15-Board: (l-r) Back row: Sue Perry, K.D. Shaughnessty, Kelly Springer, DeeDee McCutchan, Julie Markowitz, Karen Sellergren; Front row: Susan Peterman, Sandi Mellin, Jennifer Herzer, Laura Campobasso, Diane Moldafsky, Melissa Oechsel, Diane Poryes, Michelle Listo, Andi Sica, Laurie Rodli. Photo credit: Suzanne Turpin

LosAltos-CoPres_NewMembers: (l-r) Rob Myers (Hathaway-Sycamores executive VP), Los Altos co-presidents Jennifer Herzer and Laura Campobasso, Los Altos new members Nancy Marderosian and Beatrice Herendza, Bill Martone (Hathaway-Sycamores president and CEO). Photo credit: Suzanne Turpin
The Los Altos Auxiliary, which raises funds for the children and adolescents who are in residential treatment at Hathaway-Sycamores Child and Family Services’ El Nido campus in Altadena, recently held their annual Installation luncheon at Oakmont Country Club in Glendale. Guests included: Hathaway-Sycamores’ President and CEO Bill Martone; Hathaway-Sycamores’ Executive Vice President of Development Rob Myers; and Hathaway-Sycamores’ Program Supervisor Jodi Mayberry, who served as the luncheon’s speaker.
Los Altos Auxiliary Co-Presidents Jennifer Herzer and Laurie Rodli thanked the 2013/2014 board and presented each board member with a special gift. Herzer also provided an overview of the Auxiliary’s accomplishments over the past year. Specifically, the Auxiliary raised over $30,000 that was used to benefit the youngsters who call Hathaway-Sycamores’ El Nido campus home, including: fulfilling the residents’ holiday wish lists and delivering homemade holiday treats; sponsoring several spring and summer activities; buying 20 bicycles and accessories for the Transitional Independent Living Program; funding a Disneyland trip for residents and chaperones; providing $50 Target gift cards for each child’s birthday; underwriting the Hathaway-Sycamores School 2014 graduation ceremony and luncheon; purchasing a new public address system; buying living room furniture for Rowland; a new air-hockey and table-tennis table; providing sensory motor improvement tools; Bingo Night prizes, FFA Educational Tools; discharge/intake bags; funding gardening classes and providing tools as well as supplies; hosting the annual Halloween carnival; hand-making throws for the residents; bringing the residents Easter goodie bags, birthday cupcakes, and hosting ice-cream sundae parties.
Mary Anne Lantieri thanked outgoing Co-president Laurie Rodli for her many accomplishments as president this past year. Membership Chair Kelly Williams introduced the two new Los Altos Auxiliary members: Nancy Marderosian and Beatrice Herendza. Jennifer Herzer and Laura Campobosso then introduced the new Executive & Appointed Board: Co-presidents Jennifer Herzer and Laura Campobasso; Vice President of Programs K.D. Shaughnessy; Vice President of Fundraising/Fall Sue Perry and Carol DeFond; Vice President of Fundraising/Spring Michelle Listo and Laurie Rodli; Supportive Membership Julie Markowitz; Secretary Sue Slater; and Treasurer Diane Moldofsky.
Luncheon speaker Jodi Mayberry shared anecdotes and read letters of appreciation from the boys in residential care, such as this youngster’s comment: “They do whatever they can to make us feel loved.†In light of the trauma that many of these boys have experienced, Mayberry explained that, “We focus on the little successes that occur every day for them.†She concluded by thanking the Los Altos Auxiliary for the immeasurable impact they have on the boys’ lives throughout the year.
To learn more about the Los Altos Auxiliary visit www.losaltosauxiliary.org and for additional information about Hathaway-Sycamores visit http://www.hathaway-sycamores.org.