Brother Christopher Brady, FSC

Subsequent to a national search which attracted over 60 qualified candidates, Dr. Richard Gray, President of La Salle High School, has appointed Brother Christopher Brady, FSC as its 14th principal. Brother Christopher will begin his duties on July 1, 2012. He succeeds Patrick Bonacci, AFSC who, after 15 years of dedicated leadership will become the School’s Vice-President for Mission.

Brother Christopher brings over 30 years of professional secondary school experience including 23 years as principal of two Lassalean schools located in the Bay Area. A native San Franciscan, Brother Christopher earned his B.A. at Saint Mary’s College of California and his M.A. in School Administration from the University of San Francisco. His career as a teacher included service in a variety of administrative capacities from Director of Student Activities to Dean of Students and Vice-Principal.

In addition to his administrative duties, Brother Christopher has served on the Board of Trustees of: Justin-Siena High School (Napa, CA), La Salle Catholic College Preparatory (Milwaukie, OR), Saint Mary’s College of California (Moraga, CA) as well as the Provincial Council for the Christian Brothers’ District of San Francisco. He is the recipient of the University of San Francisco Outstanding Educator in Administration Award and the Archdiocese of San Francisco Assumpta Award.

In making the announcement, School President, Dr. Richard Gray, said, “Brother Christopher brings a proven record of educational leadership, a keen grasp of the challenges currently facing principals of Catholic secondary schools and a zealous passion for the students entrusted to his care.”

In accepting the position, Brother Christopher’s educational career has come full circle: he is returning to the school where he began his teaching career in 1975.

For more information, contact (626) 351-8951 or visit