The San Marino Unified School District schools and schools across America are meeting new national standards for school lunches this school year. School lunches now include more fruits, vegetables, and whole grain-rich foods; only fat-free or low-fat milk; “right-size” meals with portions designed for a child’s age; and less saturated fat, trans fat and sodium.
These new changes are a result of the new school meal standards established by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010-the first major changes to school meals in more than a decade. The changes are based on the latest nutrition science and the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
When students eat healthy foods, they perform better in school. Your child can learn good habits for life by making healthy food choices and getting proper exercise now. You have the power to inspire your children to build a healthy plate at school and home. We ask that you review the school menu with your children. Encourage them to try new foods and eat the healthy foods offered. Reinforce healthy eating by offering similar new foods at home.
Improving the health and nutrition of children by providing nutritious meals in school is a top priority for the San Marino School District and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Keep updated on the changes at