At a meeting on January 26, the FSHA Board of Directors approved a plan to implement a new 1:1 Laptop Program on campus starting in the 2012-13 school year.

Starting in August, all faculty members and students in the Class of 2016 will be assigned individual laptops that they can take home and to class that will be loaded with all the software they need for their coursework. Pending a successful first year, the program will expand to the remaining classes in the 2013-14 school year.

This initiative intends to solve the current issue many teachers and students face: a lack of available computers. While there are several laptop carts that faculty members can check out for specific lessons, that still requires the transportation of resources across campus. With this program, every student will have what she needs at her fingertips both at school and at home.

While some questions have yet to be answered (including what kinds of laptops will be made available in the program), the Information Services department has set up an FAQ. Read more about the aim of the program at