Photo by Greg Ross/DRCM: (from left to right front row): Nicole Ariki, Carolina Gutierrez-Tunstad, Patrick Dowd, Jadyn Lee, Nicholas Gersh, and Brandi Powell; (second row, left to right): Oge Ogbogu, Jade Roman, Abigail Gagnier, Jessica Lee, Lauren Evans, Julie Le; (third row, left to right): Carina Mankerian, Alexiane Peysson, Marc Soong, Abigail Lewis, Marcello Leyva, and Michael Wilkins; (fourth row, left to right): Madeline Kahn, Amer Alghamdi, George Rounds, Karly Petersen, Calvin Katz, Kainoa Kam and Juliette Martin; (back row, left to right): Gabe Robles, Alexandra Cooper, Derek Jiang, Devon Chow, Lucca Guzman- Gieseken, Lindsay Martinez, and Vincent Vazira.
Graduation ceremonies begin at 5 p.m. for 31 Barnhart School graduates Thursday, June 9, in the Santa Anita Church Sanctuary. Oge Ogbogu and Julie Le are the class co-valedictorians and Abigail Gagnier is this year’s salutatorian. Other graduates include: Amer Alghamdi, Nicole Ariki, Devon Chow, Alexandra Cooper, Patrick Dowd, Lauren Evans, Nicholas Gersh, Carolina Gutierrez-Tunstad, Lucca Guzman-Gieseken, Derek Jiang, Madeline Kahn, Kainoa Kam, Calvin Katz, Jadyn Lee, Jessica Lee, Abigail Lewis, Marcello Leyva, Carina Mankerian, Juliette Martin, Lindsay Martinez, Karly Petersen, Alexiane Peysson, Brandi Powell, Jade Roman, George Rounds, Marc Soong, Vincent Vazira, Michael Wilkins.
Students in this class received a total of seven merit-scholarships. They received acceptances from Alverno, Arcadia High School, Bishop Amat, Campbell Hall, Damien, Don Bosco Tech, Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy (FSHA), Los Angeles County High School for the Arts (LACHSA), La Salle, Loyola, Maranatha, Marlborough, Marshall Fundamental, Mayfield, Monrovia High School, Flintridge Prep, Rio Hondo, Sequoyah, St. Francis, St. Lucy’s, Stanford Online High School, Waverly, and Westridge.
“We are so inspired by our amazing Barnhart graduates! They have excelled academically, and balanced their academics with whole-hearted engagement in our wonderful music, visual arts, and drama programs. We are especially proud and honored to send these healthy, happy, resilient, and extraordinarily well-prepared students out into the world of high school, college, and beyond!” said Ethan Williamson, Head of School for Barnhart.
For fun, here are some of the other awards as polled by students: best hair: Alexiane Peysson, Kainoa Kam, and Lucca Guzman-Gieseken; most dramatic: Nicole Ariki, Calvin Katz, and Madeline Kahn; most likely to win an Olympic medal: Amer Alghamdi, George Rounds, Patrick Dowd, and Jessica Lee; most artistic: Jadyn Lee, Carolina Gutierrez-Tunstad, Marcello Leyva, and Abigail Lewis; most Likely to become president: Julie Le, Oge Ogbogu; most studious: Marc Soong, Oge Ogbogu, Carolina Gutierrez-Tunstad, and Carina Mankerian; most Likely to Become Famous: Carina Mankerian, Nicole Ariki, and Abigail Gagnier; best eyes: Patrick Dowd, Abigail Gagnier, Brandi Powell, most likely to
succeed: Calvin Katz, Julie Le, Marc Soong, and Jessica Lee; best dance moves-Nicholas Gersh, Michael Wilkins, and Madeline Kahn, most talkative: Nicholas Gersh, Michael Wilkins, Gabe Robles, and Lucca Guzman-Gieseken; funniest: Kainoa Kam, Devon Chow, Brandi Powell, and Nicole Ariki; most courteous: Vincent Vazira, Lauren Evans, Gabe Robles, and Marcello Leyva; most memorable: Alexandra Cooper, and Michael Wilkins; most likely to become a superhero: George Rounds, Lauren Evans, Juliette Martin, and Patrick Dowd; most likely to be an award-winning author: Jadyn Lee, Juliette Martin, and Jade Roman.