Sip a classic Madeline cocktail at Madeline Garden Bistro on Green Street and soak in the building’s history and stunning decor. The drink is one of the bistro’s signature items and combines gin, Passoa passionfruit liqueur, Dekuyper coconut rum and pineapple juice. This fresh, tropical cocktail is the perfect drink for a warm, summer afternoon.


Half of the fun of Madeline Garden Bistro is the setting. This historic building was constructed in 1927 by renowned designer, Edgar J. Cheesewright. This building’s distinct characteristics include the two of his famous doorways, identical to those in the White House. The large murals are 1834 Zuber woodblock prints and can also be seen in the Diplomat’s Receiving room at the White House.


Presidential similarities aside, the building is also noted for its role affiliation with Albert Einstein and quantum energy. Due to the sensitive nature of his work, a tunnel was dug between Caltech and so that Einstein could have a secret lab the building’s basement. Some patrons say that they can feel Einstein’s intelligence steeping from the walls.


Even if you’re not finely tuned to quantum energy, the Cheesewright building and Madeline Garden Bistro is a delicious spot you won’t want to miss. They regularly host live music performances and have high tea service daily.

Madeline Garden Bistro is located at 1030 East Green Street. Call (626) 795-5599 or visit for more information.