The food we eat interacts with the gut, and the gut itself cooperates with the brain by nerve and hormone signaling. This is why the foods we eat are so important! When we are in a hurry or famished, we often grab what is convenient, and this unfortunately that is not what is the best for us. Highly nutritious food is the fuel the brain thrives on and keep in turn keeps our guts healthy.

The entire fast food and processed food industry is full of refined, processed sugar and animal byproducts and GMO’s. These businesses are produce products, I won’t call the foods, that diminish good bacteria, slow digestion and that are cognition-killing. These so called foods cultivate preventable diseases. All of this dampens thinking, energy and motivation.

So what are the best foods for that brain gut connection?

First and foremost we need to eat a diet rich in whole organic foods, foods that are not processed, or are minimally processed including as many greens as possible. Leafy green vegetables contain high concentrations of nitrates that turn to nitrites when we chew them thanks to the good bacteria in our mouths. These help blood vessels increase oxygen flow, specifically to places that are lacking oxygen! Other foods that are good for us and our brains are things like eating fresh ginger.

Ginger has been shown to increase memory, while reducing oxidative stress in the brain. Eating beets and drinking organic beet juice is great for cleansing the liver but also great for the brain. The nitrates in beets and beet juice increased blood flow to the brain.

Remember to fuel your own brain with the best foods on the planet daily.

Dr. Tina Paul, BCND, Traditional Naturopath, Vibrant Living Wellness Center, 144 W. Sierra Madre Blvd., Sierra Madre, (626) 470-7711 or visit